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Ms. Hen drinks Nitro coffee and enjoys the world |
Emma Donoghue
Little, Brown
Ms. Hen saw the film ROOM earlier this year, and she had
heard that the book was completely through the little boy, Jack’s, point of
view. She usually likes novels written from unique perspectives, so she
decided to read this book.
Usually it’s a big no-no to see a film before you read a
novel, but this novel is so different from the film that Ms. Hen believes it’s acceptable
in this case. There are many similar plot points in both the film and the book,
but what makes the book original is the voice.
The voice of Jack, the little boy held hostage for the first
five years of his life, is a voice unlike Ms. Hen has ever read. When she saw
the film, she was amazed that such a thing could happen, that a woman would be
kidnapped, and her child could be born in captivity, and how it could
ruin or warp a person forever, but Jack is a child that is willing to learn and
capable of change. In the beginning of the novel, Jack and his mother are
celebrating his birthday, and his mother wants to figure out how to escape.
Jack doesn’t know any other world other than the 11 by 11 shed in which he
lives with his mother, Room.
Jack’s mother tries to teach him about the world outside
Room, but Jack gets upset. He thinks trees are only on TV, and stores and
people aren’t real, but when he tries to understand, he fights it. Whenever he
sees a spider or an ant in Room, he gets excited because it’s something that’s
tangible, but his mother kills the ants and the pests because she tells him
they’re dirty. His mother wants him to learn that the world is real, and she
knows they have to plan their escape.
Ms. Hen was astounded at the author’s ability to stay in
Jack’s voice for the entire novel. She understands that some people might find
it annoying, but Ms. Hen thinks it’s a great feat for a writer. It’s similar to
watching gymnasts in the Olympics, the audience wonders how the competitors can
do amazing jumps and leaps and twists. It was that way for Ms. Hen reading this
novel. It takes enormous talent and experience to write a novel from the point of
view of a five-year-old who has never been outside a small room.
This novel is about motherhood, but it’s also about
childhood. It made Ms. Hen try to remember what it was like to be five years
old. Five is about the time when a child starts to realize things and remember
things, and Ms. Hen thinks that Jack is realistic in the way he is depicted.
There are many ways in which Jack is a little too
sophisticated for his age and experience. He remembers everything his mother
told him, and it’s possible that since he was in such close contact with his
mother, and she was the only person he knew, that he would be more advanced than other children his age.
He knows words and stories that other children would not know.
ROOM is a sad novel, but it’s also full of hope. It could
make the reader appreciate the things that person has in life, especially
freedom. Ms. Hen thinks it’s worth reading this novel to experience what it’s
like to have your eyes opened and to finally discover the world.